Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Halloween is this weekend!  Yay!  For anyone who doesn’t know me (because everyone who knows me already knows this) I have the biggest sweet tooth in the world (Reese’s! Skittles! Candy corn! I love them all!).  I also love dressing up.  Question: What is there not to like about Halloween?  Answer: Nothing. 

The most difficult part of Halloween, though, is figuring out what you’re going to be.  If you need last minute costume inspiration, check out this link (Thanks to Mediabistro for sending it my way).   As a Book Lover, I LOVE these ideas.  Sometimes it’s difficult to be a literary character because they’re not as recognizable as a movie/tv character (as in, don’t dress up as Beauty from Beauty and the Beast if you don’t wear one of the Disney recognizable gowns).  In third grade I dressed up as Jo March from Little Women for a Halloween-themed birthday party.  Everyone thought I was a cook because I wore an apron and carried around a journal (those uneducated eight-year-olds!).  Yet, the suggested costumes are so creative and easy to make (a big plus in my book!).  And a unique costume is a great conversation starter!  I wish I had seen this article sooner (my boyfriend and I have already settled on Popeye and Olive Oyl) but maybe next year I’ll be Elizabeth Bennett…the empire waist dress is a piece of cake to make!

Hope you all have a Happy Halloween…rock those costumes and eat lots of candy!

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