Friday, September 23, 2011

Banned Book Week

Next week (Sept 24-Oct 1) is Banned Book Week. As a reader and an editor, I cringe at the idea of kids not being able to read a book they want—and I hope you feel the same way! Books are banned for various reasons—sexual or violent content, harsh language, questionable material according to a religious group. But sometimes—often times—those banned books might be just right for a teenage girl who wants to learn more about her sexuality, or a teenage boy who wants to read a book that reflects his reality, or kids who have no intention of reading at all, only to fall in love with a series and become lifelong book lovers. One book can affect its reader is so many different, and necessary, ways. It isn’t fair for us, as adult gatekeepers, to choose what books we want kids to have access to. A book can change a life.

Here are some resources for the upcoming week from the American Library Association:

As for me, I’ll be reading some of my favorite banned books in the park, on the subway, in my home. Happy reading!

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